Ok, I just wanted to write a quick little rant about our music situation in this little old van of ours.
We by the car and soon realize the radio doesn't work. First we joked that radio must not be popular in New Zealand but how is that possible? Isn't music a world trend? Hasn't it been at the heart of most cultures for ages and ages? So we finally concluded it was our car. We can't locate an antena! Problem detected.
So we went to the warehouse, the closest equivalent to Walmart. Although, they treat their employees right, it's not actually that cheap, and I don't have sensory overload, it's a real problem, when I arrive upon the scene. Anyway, the warehouse... They have a decent CD section, B lined to the on sale items. We finally settled on two CD's. The first, a compilation of 101 #1 hits. I believe it has six CD's total ranging from Katy Perry to Dolly Paton. From Snoop Dizzle-D to Tina Turner! The other CD is titled "the Roots of Northern Soul". Smokie Robinson, the Temptations, the Chantels, it's all tucked in their. We love getting to know this music movement.
Here's the real kicker, and the reason I felt this story became worthy of telling although I'm starting to doubt it. Ha.
Our "state of the art" sound system only decides to play when it feels like it! We put in the first CD and it spit it out with nothing but the words EJ on the screen to explain the issue. Once it accepted a CD it liked, it played probably four songs before shutting down completly.
This has been happening ever since. Everyday we start on the road again, we wonder if our CD player will behave for our drive. Or am I going to have to keep singing "Everyday is a Winding Road" down the twisting highways? Morgan is well over this might I add. It's mostly maddening, but it also makes us unbelievably excited every time it clicks on. We cheer and high five as Train's "Hey Soul Sister" plays through its odd lyrics but catchy as hell tune!
Anyways you might like imagining Morgan and I in all our glory and extravagance.
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